Patomak Team Supports FalconX as First Cryptocurrency-focused Swap Dealer with the CFTC

Patomak Global Partners was honored to be a part of the team supporting FalconX as it registered the first cryptocurrency-focused swap dealer with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and National Futures Association (NFA).

FalconX is a digital assets and cryptocurrency platform for institutional investors and now has the first CFTC-registered entity to give those investors access to over-the-counter crypto derivatives markets. This will bring regulated OTC derivatives trading to the U.S. 

Working in concert with Collin Lloyd of Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, as well as Kevin Batteh and Scott Parsons of Delta Strategy Group, Patomak’s Managing Director Jamila Piracci, Senior Director Sudhir Jain, and Associate Tim Brown provided their expertise to the project. Patomak’s work included drafting policies and procedures, operationalizing the control framework, training staff, and providing strategic advice.