
Paul Atkins on Fox Business to Discuss Risk of Investing in Chinese Companies

Patomak Global Partners Chief Executive and Former Securities and Exchange Commissioner Paul Atkins took to Fox Business to discuss investing in Chinese companies, the risks of those investments, and what to expect in the years ahead regarding…

Robert Greene Mentioned in South China Morning Post on China Digital Currency

Robert Greene, Vice President and Chief of Staff at Patomak Global Partners, was mentioned in a South China Morning Post article entitled "China digital currency: leading mobile payment apps Alipay, WeChat Pay install new features to help widen…

Bloomberg TV: Patomak’s Robert Greene Talks About Potential Financial Impacts of U.S. Sanctions on Russia

Patomak Global Partners' Vice President and Chief of Staff Robert Greene joined Bloomberg Markets Asia TV on February 28, 2022, to talk about the implications of disconnecting Russian banks from SWIFT and recent U.S. sanctions, as well as what…

Wall Street Journal: China’s Digital Currency Challenge: Winning Hearts and Minds

Patomak Vice President and Chief of Staff Robert Greene provides commentary for a Wall Street Journal article about the close watch policymakers are keeping on China’s progression on its plans to replace cash with digitized money.

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: Beijing’s Global Ambitions for Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Growing Clearer

As central banks around the world contemplate the risks and benefits of issuing central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), Beijing is likely to leverage frustrations with the inefficiencies of existing cross-border payments channels to strengthen…

Conglomeration Unbound: The Origins and Globally Unparalleled Structures of Multi-sector Chinese Corporate Groups Controlling Large Financial Companies

Unlike other major financial markets, Mainland China is home to many mixed conglomerates that control a range of large financial and non-financial firms. In a new research article published in the University of Pennsylvania Journal of International…

What Will Be the Impact of China’s State-Sponsored Digital Currency?

In April 2020, electronic Chinese yuan (e-CNY) pilot programs launched in four cities. The digital currency’s debut was the culmination of a six-year journey that began when China’s central bank, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), announced its research into a “Digital Currency/Electronic Payment” system in 2014. Today, although many critical details of the payment system remain opaque or undecided, e-CNY pilots are rapidly accelerating in scope and size.

Bloomberg: Kroszner Says Getting Closer to Normal Wage Pressures

Patomak Senior Advisor Randall Kroszner joins Bloomberg Asia to discuss inflation, the job market, and volatility.