
Options Market Participants Face New Regulatory Inquiries; Tried and True Remedies Are the Solution

As families get through back-to-school checklists, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) are similarly going through their own regulatory check lists for options market participants. There are several new regulatory sweeps and enforcement inquiries being sent out now to options market participants, including questions about suitability, payment for order flow (PFOF), surveillance, and regulation of short sales issues.

Strategic Compliance Assessments Turn Fire Hoses Into Straws

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) examiners are asking Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) questions in broker-dealer annual exams this year, which in turn are raising concerns internally about how best to respond and how to comply.

The SEC’s Six Month Review of Reg BI and Form CRS

The Securities and Exchange Commission and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority indicated that firms appear to be on the right track with Reg BI and Form CRS compliance, but also offered requirement reminders and observations of industry practices to aid firms in meeting regulatory expectations. Around the rules’ implementation, the SEC’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations and FINRA have been conducting exams to understand and assess how firms are complying with the rules.

Securities and Exchange Commission Details Exam Priorities in 2017

The Securities and Exchange Commission's Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations recently released its 2017 priorities. This year's areas of focus include examining for cybersecurity; investor protection initiatives; and identifying market-wide risks, including money market fund compliance with new rules and systems compliance integrity. Patomak Global Partners has deep expertise in risk management and compliance to help firms evaluate and enhance existing compliance programs. 

Kurtosys blog: Dan Gallagher on DOL Fiduciary Rule and Market Developments

As part of our Kurtosys Insights series, we caught up with Dan to get his views on the effects of the DOL’s Fiduciary ruling, a potential Trump presidency, the UK’s “Brexit” and Blockchain technology.