
Patomak Webinar: Financial Services Regulatory and Enforcement Outlook for 2021

As the Biden Administration nears its 100 day mark and as agency leaders are confirmed in their roles, the new Administration's work of governing is getting underway. Patomak hosted a webinar moderated by Paul Atkins, and featuring former SEC, CFTC, Department of Justice, Department of Treasury, and CFPB officials who shared their expectations for how agencies will operate and how organizations can best prepare.

2020 Enforcement Guidance


Jill Sommers and Jamila Piracci write that the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the Department of Justice (DOJ) have all issued 2020 guidance informing market participants about evaluations and determinations by enforcement staff and prosecutors in conjunction with their respective enforcement actions. While the agencies differ in mission, an examination of the guidance finds common themes and approaches.