
Paul Atkins and Paul Ray discuss the SEC’s Climate Rule in the Wall Street Journal

Patomak Global Partners' Paul Atkins and Paul Ray took to the Wall Street Journal to discuss the Securities and Exchange Commission's Climate Rule. In this article, they comment on the important step that the Supreme Court took to restore…

CFTC Foreshadows Future Action in Carbon Markets

This event highlights limits of CFTC authority in voluntary carbon markets It exposes likely CFTC focus to be enforcement against greenwashing and additional standards development Patomak can help companies navigate compliance and…

Patomak Experts Discuss the SEC’s Proposed Climate Disclosure Rule

On March 21, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) voted 3-1 to advance for public comment a proposed climate disclosure rule. Patomak’s Paul Atkins and Paul Ray teamed up with experts from Invariant on a webinar to analyze the proposal…

SEC Proposes Rules on Climate Disclosures

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Background On 21 March, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) held an open meeting to consider proposed rules which would require public companies to disclose additional climate-related information. The agency voted to officially…

ESG Developments

Patomak's Jamila Piracci and Ted Serafini highlight a few of the key themes from some of the comment letters that stakeholders have filed with the SEC in response to the March 2021 request for public input on the Commission’s existing climate change disclosure requirements and potential future changes to those requirements. They also provides additional considerations for how interested parties are likely to continue the dialogue with the Commission and its staff during the rulemaking process.

EU Exports ESG to the United States

As widely reported, the newly confirmed Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC or Commission), Gary Gensler, is expected to put forth proposals around disclosure of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, beginning with climate risk disclosure. While the U.S. is in the early stages of its ESG journey, the European Union (EU) is much further along.

ISDA’s The Swap podcast: What Next for US Financial Markets Regulation?

What does the US election result mean for the direction of US financial regulation? Paul Atkins, chief executive of Patomak Global Partners, and Fred Hatfield, director, Intercontinental Exchange, and Patomak Senior Advisor give their views.

NY Post: NY’s Pathetic Case Against Exxon is Outrageous Abuse of Prosecutorial Powers

Patomak Global Partners CEO Paul Atkins writes in a New York Post opinion piece, “The media have appropriately called out the hypocrisy of celebrities who rail about climate change but leave a huge carbon footprint. They should also call out New York’s attorney general, Letitia James, who is claiming to champion investors with an assault on ExxonMobil but may actually be hurting them, by forcing them to bear the cost of frivolous litigation — all the while, cloaking the true, underlying political goals.”

Sun Sentinel: Local Governments Should Resist the Urge to Sue Energy Companies, Claiming Their Products and Practices are a Public Nuisance

Luther Strange writes in an opinion piece, “As Florida begins to implement its new environmental plan, it is crucial that its city and county government leaders resist the temptation to short-circuit the policy process by turning to the courts.”

RealClearMarkets: Why Judges Aren’t Buying Cities’ Climate Change Lawsuits

Patomak Senior Adviser Luther Strange opines in RealClearMarkets: Climate change is a serious issue that impacts every person, deserving a serious public-policy debate through our democratic process… Lawsuits will not develop sound public policy, and they will certainly not halt climate change. And the reality that two federal judges have now dismissed city climate cases should send a strong message to other local leaders: the courts are not the proper place to make climate policy.