
Crypto Policy Consensus On Capitol Hill Elusive in 2022, But Regulator Action Looms

Even though there’s no policy consensus for cryptocurrency regulation as 2022 kicks off, the cryptocurrency community’s engagement with policymakers in 2021 had a positive effect in Washington.

RealClearMarkets: A Federal Power Grab Over the Future of Stablecoins

The President’s Working Group Report on Stablecoins is an important first step for federal regulators to develop a regulatory approach. Unfortunately, the report is a slap in the face to state regulators as it ignores their years of regulatory experience.

A New Approach for the CFPB: Mortgage Servicers and Enforcement Actions

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has increased its focus on mortgage servicers. Mortgage servicing intersects two CFPB priority areas: COVID-19 relief and discrimination enforcement. Mortgage servicers should be prepared for a significant increase in the CFPB’s regulatory activity.

Patomak Webinar: Financial Services Regulatory and Enforcement Outlook for 2021

As the Biden Administration nears its 100 day mark and as agency leaders are confirmed in their roles, the new Administration's work of governing is getting underway. Patomak hosted a webinar moderated by Paul Atkins, and featuring former SEC, CFTC, Department of Justice, Department of Treasury, and CFPB officials who shared their expectations for how agencies will operate and how organizations can best prepare.

Yahoo Finance: Former Federal Reserve Governor Randall Kroszner talks new federal stimulus

Former Federal Reserve Governor Randall Kroszner joins Yahoo Finance anchors Seana Smith and Adam Shapiro to discuss the upcoming federeral stimulus package.

Patomak’s Paul Atkins Hosts Webinar Featuring Agency Leaders on Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, and the Evolution of a Central Bank Digital Currency

The November 13 discussion examined the pros and cons of blockchain and cryptocurrency and how it intersects with active central bank digital currency pilot programs underway around the globe.

WSJ opinion: Borrower Beware: Cares Loans Carry a Steep Cost

Patomak CEO Paul Atkins writes in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece, “Borrower Beware!”

"Businesses with flexibility should seriously consider to what extent accepting the terms of federal loans or other support may be a Faustian bargain for their long-term business operations and strategy. The ultimate cost may dramatically outweigh the temporary gain."

Atkins draws on his experience on the Congressional Oversight Panel for TARP, which oversaw emergency spending in response to the 2008-09 financial crisis and discusses considerations businesses should make now before filing for federal assistance.

Bloomberg Radio: Paul Atkins on FSOC Guidance and New York Exxon Lawsuit

Patomak Global Partners CEO Paul Atkins is a guest on Bloomberg radio “Balance of Power” show and weighs in on recent action by the Financial Stability Oversight Council and the New York Attorney General lawsuit against Exxon.

Law 360: Nine Former SEC and CFTC Regulators Say FSOC Should Overhaul Approach To Examining Systemic Risk

At its meeting this week, the Financial Stability Oversight Council should abandon its bank oriented approach in favor of an activities-based process for identifying risks to the financial system, write nine former SEC and CFTC Chairmen and Commissioners.

Morning Consult: Choose Investors Over Special Interests

Opinion by Paul Atkins

Just as Washington is becoming more investor-friendly, some politicians are going back to fighting in favor of well-connected special interests over Mr. and Mrs. 401(k). The latest example: A policy rider (let's call it what it is - an earmark) attached to an appropriations bill that would prevent a long-overdue effort to save retirees and investors more than $300 million a year by modernizing how mutual fund reports are delivered to shareholders.